Friday, May 14, 2010

Is anyone a hairdresser or barber? I need to ask you questions about hair? Please give me your email address?

Please I need your opinions in these questions I will be asking you.Is anyone a hairdresser or barber? I need to ask you questions about hair? Please give me your email address?
i am a cosmetologist in training...almost done with school i may be able to can email me if you go to my profile =]]] i would be glad to help you if i can!!

Shoudl I trade marion barber for travis henry and boldin?

I have pretty bad WR. My best one is bowe. MY other Rb is addai and white.Shoudl I trade marion barber for travis henry and boldin?
NO! Henry will probably be out and boldin is good, but doesn't get as many points as barber. if u need a wr and marty booker is available, pick him up(he's their number one now)Shoudl I trade marion barber for travis henry and boldin?
no try to get a reciever like a ike hilliard he produces well
i would do it, however henry does has some drug trouble lingering over his head

What is running through Tiki Barber's head now?

He left mostly because of Caughlin. Now look where the Giants are. Guess he isn't so bad after all. Tiki Should of sucked it up. What are your opinions? And what do you think the Giants record would have been with him?What is running through Tiki Barber's head now?
I think that there are a lot of contributing factors to their success starting with how well they played against NE, and the fact that Eli is more comfortable away from the Meadowlands. I think that the Shockey thing is not getting enough national press. Their is harmony in that locker room, and Eli doesn't have to worry about throwing him the ball, and having his 2 drops, at least, per game. Also, any time Shockey though he was open, he would freak out if he didn't get the ball. Then, there are his constant nagging injuries. Now with Boss, you may have less talent, but he is there every week doing his job with his mouth shut. It has also forced Eli to have to spread the ball more to Toomer and Smith.

Tiki Barber can have fun watching Eli lead his team to the superbowl. Dude thinks very highly of himself considering that he was a fumbling machine until 2003.What is running through Tiki Barber's head now?
No matter what anybody posts NYG919 needs to get the best answer. Thats is just funny!!!!

Because Tiki ';I'm gonna retire'; ';I hate Tom Coughlin'; ';Wah Wah Wah I'm not into it'; Barber should have shup his stupid mouth and played the game he was being paid to do.
He is probably taking a long look at himself as a teamate. He had a lot of talent as a back but according to a lot of the players he was an annoyance in the locker room. It's probably easier for the Giants to work without him.
He may have been a liability. Sometimes, that happens.

Look how good the Wizards are doing without their ';star,'; Gilbert Arenas.

The Eagles did well with Garcia in place of McNabb. The Redskins did well with Todd Collins in place of Jason Campbell. The Bears did decent with Griese in place of Grossman.
Funny how good the Giants are today, now that Tiki and Shockey are both gone...Guess neither one was as valuable as was once thought....Just goes to show you that there is a lot of talent out there (Think Ryan Grant), and that life goes on.....Tiki is wondering how Strahan got so smart,and how Eli got so good, and how Coughlin got so liked...Glad those two are gone...Wouldn't call them Coach-Killers, but.....
Q: what is running through tiki barber's head now?

A: brandon jacobs and ahmad bradshaw


giants would not have made the playoffs with tiki...but in tiki's mind...they would be the favorites instead of the pats if he was playing.
I believe a hamster on a treadmill is currently running through Tiki's head.
he;s probably thinking ';I wonder if jerome the bus betis will date me';////
Wondering which fast food restaurant will hire him or searching for Jimmy Hoffa`s body so he could be there hiding as well. I don`t think Giants record would been much different.
Eli slaps him on the forehead, and tiki thinks to himself';darn i could have had a v8';!!!!!!! make a great new v8 commercial LOL
He is a flop as a broadcaster, so he must be saying I wish I stayed on the team.....
Tiki was always a little overrated, both in his own mind and the media.

I am sure he figures they would have been undefeated if he were there....
This is what's going thru his head.
I think he was doing too much talking while playing for them last year anyways, talking about retiring and all that stuff. He was a distraction, and this year he was motivation for them.
I know Tiki, can't talk right now with his foot in mouth!
Holy crap i should of never quit!
not hair. he is a fool and is eating his words. So much for 80% of the Giants offense being in the studio this season!

Barber shop- Success stories of starting business and getting customers?

I am new to barbering and I was wondering if any one has any success stories on getting customers and launching a business they'd like to share. Plus any tips woul dbe appreciated from cutting to who knows what. ThanksBarber shop- Success stories of starting business and getting customers?
IDK but check out:

  • gloss
  • Any ladies had there hair cut at a mens barber ?

    My boyfriend want's my hair cut very short and is taking me to a mens barber .

    I will be haveing my long hair clippered very short back and sides.

    Any ladies had there cut at a mens barber , what was it like ,how short did you have it cut ?Any ladies had there hair cut at a mens barber ?
    Yes .my boyfriend insists I have my hair cut at a barber ,very short back and sides too....Any ladies had there hair cut at a mens barber ?
    why is your boyfriend doing that to you?


    and no i havent

    i dont think its a good idea鈥?/a>
    Yes I have , Its wonderful ,I get mine cut very short ,you will love it !
    That Sounds a great idea ,good to hear .You will enjoy that .And you will look gorgeous !
    Lucky girl , I'm sure you will love this .
    dont do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kevin Smith and Calvin Johnson for Brandon Marshall and Marion Barber?

    Or instead of Smith, i could trade Forte and Johnson? This guys at the bottom of my league at 1-4 so he may be desperate.Kevin Smith and Calvin Johnson for Brandon Marshall and Marion Barber?
    Because your trader is at the bottom of the league, he is probably desperate. Put in Forte instead of Smith, who gets yards receiving and running. Also, see if you can get a better player than Marion Barber. Yes, this is a fair trade if you change Smith to Forte.

    I own a barber shop, other then keeping my barbers busy, what can I do to motivate them and keep them happy?

    These barber are independent contractors not employees, despite that we work as a team. The shop is busy, but I want them to be more happy as a general rule....I own a barber shop, other then keeping my barbers busy, what can I do to motivate them and keep them happy?
    try to organize after work events, everybody get together on friday split some beers and have sort of a meeting where everybody can express their thoughts, or take them to the strip club pay their way and whatever happens inside they tip or pay forI own a barber shop, other then keeping my barbers busy, what can I do to motivate them and keep them happy?
    Be generous with profit-sharing and organise a famly day where all staffs and family members get to interact and know each other better.
    Have an insentive for them. If they have ';repeating costumers'; then that means you get more revenue, therefore you should increase of ';give a percentage'; of those cuts.

    This way you know that the customers are happy and your people are doing a better job, and not just giving them an insentive.

    Why not close the shop early one day and invite them beers and pizza? But I stick to my first story, in the long run this will bring you stable revenue and will make your barber shop grow
    Really, people don't need a lot. I bet if you just made a point of telling them often, but not too often, that they did a great job today, or you're glad they're here, you'd find it goes a LONG way in boosting morale. Buying lunch or bringing in breakfast sandwiches or doughnuts occasionally is nice too!
    -Play music that suits them so that they can relax while cutting hair.

    -Sponsor community cookouts during the summer using your barbershop name.

    -Also sponsor trips using your barbershop name. The employees shouldn't be required to go, but I'm sure they'll oblige.

    -Contest: Whoever brings in the most revenue gets a day of their choice off (paid).
    Holiday parties, birthday cakes and celebration, beer after work, watching games on tv in the shop, contests, commission, snacks, candy, coffee...

    all of these things make me happier at work
    i think the enviroment has alot to do with it... put some nice pictures up maybe paint the shop a nice color... decorate a little.. and put some music on...make it fun!!
    ive owned my own business for year first rule of thumb NEVER mix business with friends, so what ever you do , dont go out after work for beers and such, what i did and let my employees, listen to thier chocie of music, give bonuses for a certian goal, tho not money!! stuff like new equipment or early days off, employees really like that
    You could reward them for repeat Business, or bringing in new clients...Lunch out or gift certificate.