Friday, January 22, 2010

Can a barber go to my disabled friend's home to give him hair cut?

I have a friend recently hurt his leg and cannot go to the barber shop for his hair cut.

By law, can a barber go to my friend's house to give him a hair cut? Is this legal?

Any licensed barbers / hair stylists / solon owners, I appreicate your answer. Thanks.Can a barber go to my disabled friend's home to give him hair cut?
I had a cousin with MS. Her hairdresser came out to her home for years. You could try calling assisted living homes and ask who comes there.

Or call your friend's person barber and ask him.

The barber should already have a license and insurance (maybe premisies insurance), but just call around and see.Can a barber go to my disabled friend's home to give him hair cut?
why not
Technically, yes and no. OSHA has rules about health concerns, but now on the other hand, who gives a shIIIT about what anybody thinks. Bring him on lets cut hair:)
Oh yes. I know many hairdressers who go to people's houses

Just look in the yellow pages
should be able to, call the barber and ask them
if your friends with the barber then of course you can

you might have to pay him extra haha

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